Thursday 5 March 2020

My Man

   I remember that day when we went on that unplanned trip. We were supposed to go for a fancy lunch but you ended up finding a fun adventure small trek, convinced me ofcourse. I was so scared but passing through the massive woods & wildlife you made sure that I am fine. Capturing every moment in your tiny gopro we went ahead to our destination. The trek indeed was scary but you were right behind me and I was okay. And just like you said, after an hour of trek; there we were, standing at the most peaceful and gorgeous place on top of that hill. Holding our breath we stood there quietly for a while just looking at the sight. We set on a rock silently, in that moment I wanted to tell you so many things. But I was so complete, I was whole in that moment that all I could say was, "I love you." I wanted to scream those words so loudly that they would sound thousand times more intense with that echo. You held my hand looked into my eyes and just smiled probably thinking that how crazy I am for you. I lived that moment, I felt that emotion and I was in love with you all over again. I did not want to miss us so I clicked our pictures, the cutest ones. Oh boy, I still have them and I still can't keep my eye off of us. For now that's all I have, for now that's all you left for me.

- Jaivika Dabhi

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